Some Possible Health Benefits of Stevia Powder
Stevia is a dense shrub that belongs to the sunflower family. China is currently a major exporter of stevia products. This is because stevia is 200 to 300 times sweeter than table sugar. It typically requires about 20% more land and less water to provide the same sweetness as other mainstream sweeteners. Stevia is considered a reliable source for the "calorie-free" Food Data Center (FDC). Stevia is not strictly zero calories, but it is significantly lower in calories than sucrose, low enough to be classified as sucrose. As an alternative to sucrose or table sugar, there are considerable health benefits to using stevia as a sweetener, and manufacturer VIASWEET introduces you to these benefits. Here are some of the possible health benefits of stevia: 1) Weight control Stevia can replace sugar in the diet for weight control. There are many causes of overweight and obesity, such as lack of physical activity and increased intake of high energy foods hi...