Some Possible Health Benefits of Stevia Powder

Stevia is a dense shrub that belongs to the sunflower family. China is currently a major exporter of stevia products. This is because stevia is 200 to 300 times sweeter than table sugar. It typically requires about 20% more land and less water to provide the same sweetness as other mainstream sweeteners.

Stevia is considered a reliable source for the "calorie-free" Food Data Center (FDC). Stevia is not strictly zero calories, but it is significantly lower in calories than sucrose, low enough to be classified as sucrose.
As an alternative to sucrose or table sugar, there are considerable health benefits to using stevia as a sweetener, and manufacturer VIASWEET introduces you to these benefits.


Some Possible Health Benefits of Stevia Powder


Here are some of the possible health benefits of stevia:


1) Weight control

Stevia can replace sugar in the diet for weight control.
There are many causes of overweight and obesity, such as lack of physical activity and increased intake of high energy foods high in fat and sugar. Studies have shown that added sugar intake accounts for an average of 16% of total calories in the U.S. diet. This is associated with weight gain from credible sources and reduced control of blood sugar levels.
Stevia contains no sugar and is very low in calories (if any). It can be part of a balanced diet and help reduce energy intake without sacrificing taste.


2) Diabetes

Studies have shown that stevia sweeteners do not provide calories or carbohydrates to the diet. They have also been shown to have no effect on blood sugar or insulin response. This allows people with diabetes to eat a wider variety of foods and follow a healthy meal plan.
Studies have shown that stevia causes a significant reduction in postprandial blood sugar and glucagon response. Glucagon is a hormone that regulates glucose levels in the blood, and the mechanism by which glucagon is secreted is often faulty in people with diabetes.
When blood glucose rises, glucagon falls. This regulates the glucose level.


Some Possible Health Benefits of Stevia Powder

Stevia Fiber Syrup


3) Diet for children

Foods and beverages containing stevia can play an important role in reducing the calories from unwanted sweeteners in children's diets.
There are thousands of products on the market today that contain natural sources of stevia, from salad dressings to snack bars. This availability allows children to consume sweets and beverages without adding calories as they transition to a low-sugar diet.
Excess sugar and calories are a reliable source associated with obesity and cardiovascular disease.


4) Blood pressure

Some of the glycosides in stevia extract have been found to dilate blood vessels. They can also increase sodium excretion and urine output.
A 2003 study suggests that stevia has the potential to help lower blood pressure. This study suggests that the stevia plant may have a cardiotonic effect. The cardiac-strengthening effect normalizes blood pressure and regulates the heartbeat.
However, recent studies have shown that stevia does not seem to affect blood pressure. Further research is needed to confirm this benefit of stevia.


5) Allergies

In 2010, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) reviewed the available literature to determine if there were concerns about potential allergic reactions to stevia.
The reviewers concluded that "steviol glycosides are not reactive and are not metabolized to reactive compounds; therefore, the steviol glycosides evaluated are unlikely to cause allergic reactions when consumed in food." Even highly purified stevia extracts are highly unlikely to cause allergic reactions.



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