Benefits of GRP Pipes

Glass fiber reinforced plastic pipes, or simply GRP pipes, are popularly used in the construction industry for pipe maintenance.GRP is a resin plastic made from a combination of glass fibers, polyester, vinyl ester and epoxy resins. They are constructed using a special technology called double spiral filament winding technology or continuous propulsion mandrel filament winding technology.GRP pipes are widely used in the automotive industry, aerospace industry, water, and wastewater treatment works, chemical industry, wind turbine, electrical industry and sports equipment industry and can offer many options. This article will discuss some of the distinctive features of GRP pipes.


High resistance

GRP pipes are durable and corrosion-resistant. They are made of composite fiberglass and polyester resin, which prevents them from rusting. They are also resistant to chemical, water, oil, gas, heat, UV, and extreme environmental conditions. You don't need additional plating or cathodic protection for repairs and maintenance.GRP is resistant to hydrocarbon fluids, which helps with construction in the oil and glass industries. They are economically viable due to their 50-year shelf life and zero maintenance costs. Spiral fiber winding methods, as well as polymerization and vaporization, allow GRP pipes to safely transport food and potable water.

GRP Jacking Pipes (Trenchless)

 GRP Jacking Pipes (Trenchless)          

Lightweight and strong

Compared to PVC pipes, GRP pipes have a circumferential tensile strength of 300-375 MPA. construction does not require heavy machinery, adhesives, bolted connections, or welding. They have great mechanical strength and can withstand light to moderate stresses. In addition, GRP pipes are lightweight compared to ductile iron, mild steel, and HDPE pipes. The lightweight ensures that the equipment is easy to handle for transportation and installation. These qualities make GRP piping more durable, reliable, and economical than traditional materials.


Surge pressure

GRP pipes are typically manufactured between 6 m and 12 m. The high stiffness and high pressure carrying capacity of GRP pipes prevent the pipes from bursting due to water pressure. Their smaller wall thickness makes it easier to bury them using conventional methods, and they are easy to handle with deep covers. They are resistant to wear and cracking, with leak-free joints, guaranteeing zero infiltration, low treatment volumes, and no groundwater contamination.

GRP Pipes

 GRP Pipes          

Hydraulic efficiency

GRP pipes have smooth internal surfaces for excellent hydraulic characteristics, high flow rates, and low friction. They also pump water very well, thus saving electricity. They also have low thermal and electrical conductivity because the pipes have no external insulation. the internal temperature of GRP pipes remains constant due to their unique thermal properties.



GRP pipes are also very flexible, which allows them to be adapted to the length required by the application. The smooth and dimensionally consistent surface allows for adjustable pipe lengths due to fewer bends and easy adjustment. Manufacturers can also choose from a variety of sizes, pipe lengths and configurations as needed. This is why GRP piping is preferred for construction in seismic zones.


GRP pipes are most commonly used for underground applications, surface applications, subsea applications and relining, for which high durability, hydraulic efficiency and high strength are essential. They should be thoroughly tested in accordance with international and national standards such as AWWA, ASTM and BIS to check quality long-term performance and superior physical and mechanical properties.

Let us help you find the best  GRP piping solutions for your project. When you contact us, please provide your detailed requirements. That will help us give you a valid quotation.



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